Date: May 18, 2024

What to pack when going on a fitness retreat

So your first ever fitness retreat is fast approaching but you might be asking yourself, what do I pack for a fitness retreat? Here are my top tips of what to pack for a Tara Riley Wellness weekend of bliss!


Not to state the obvious but on fitness retreat you are going to need activewear.  If you are coming away on a Tara Riley Wellness Retreat, there will be a strong dynamic practice in the morning which can warrent trainers and a gentler more restorative practice in the evening.  If you’ve joined my Barre or Strength classes in person or On Demand, you’ll know they can really bring the heat.  I don’t know about you, but I’m not keen on re-wearing sweaty leggings so pack enough to last. Evening practices will be much gentler with more stretching so there is an opportunity to re-wear these. 

In the evening, come dressed exactly as you wish for dinner.  Some women are happy to stay in leggings and others want to change into casual clothing, whilst some women love to dress up.   Anything goes!  I want you to feel comfortable showing up exactly as yourself.  Pack what you feel happiest in! 

Free Time

When you are not enjoying a class with me, you are free as a bird! What do you need and want from this time? Do you like to chill with a book, or check out the local area?  Pack whatever fits with your personality.  Nipping into the local town in an easy breezy sundress or grab your trainers and shorts for walking/hiking, or chill with a book in more loungy-style clothes. Remember this is your retreat to do exactly as you please. For UK based retreats where we can’t rely on the weather, layers are a must!

Water baby

It feels such a treat to spend time in water…a dip in the sea or pool or relaxing in a hot tub. Wherever we retreat, I will always try to have a water element involved.  Pool, hot tub, Scandinavian cold plunge, wild swimming… so a swim cozzie is a must.  Cover-ups and flips-flops are always useful too and don’t forget your sun cream and sunnies for retreats in places with guaranteed warmer climes.


Books, earpods or headphones and anything else that helps you relax. I have a laundry list of podcasts I’ve been meaning to listen to and books and articles to read, but I’m often too busy with other life disruptions. A retreat can be the perfect time to get stuck into a book or finally listen to that podcast!

Happy packing…
Tara x

  1. Alex Greene says:

    Many thanks for this useful information, Tara!

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